Business and Individual Adult Assessment
As an adult, you have already experienced both some failures and successes in your life and work. Do you want to increase your chances of success while enjoying your journey through life? Xyte can quickly help you answer “who you are” and “why you do what you do” with our online Xyting Insight™ self-assessment for individual adults. Your Core Genius code is what sets you apart from everyone else out there, and you will want to know what these particular strengths are.

Because the Xyting Insight assessment is based on how you think, it can be applied to such essential life aspects as communication preferences, leadership style, learning environment, perceptions by others, work and management behaviors, creativity, compatibility, intrinsic motivations, and many more.
It’s what’s in your head that counts! You are born with natural gifts that can be determined by how you think. Our Xyting Insight™ assessment report helps you learn about yourself and how to use and leverage your cognitive assets (competency, talent, and work mode preferences) to gain direction toward the work world. You gain insight into the types of work you will enjoy and what you can offer an employer. Xyting Insight™ will identify your specific Cognofile (cognitive profile), providing you with new insights about why you think and behave as you do.
Your employer does not know your innate strengths. For companies to be great, the first step is putting the right employee in the right job and then developing that employee for more significant challenges. Great leaders want to grow and use employees’ innate strengths to provide the respect, recognition, and value that everyone needs. You can help your employer invest in you. It’s what’s in your head that counts!
The My Insight™ assessment provides enormous benefits in understanding your motivations! We can help you to:
- Identify a career path
- Align the proper education with your innate strengths
- Understand why you do what you do
- Understand why people are different
- Increase productivity
- Improve communications
- Build high-performance teams
- Develop your leadership abilities
- Work with teams
- Shorten the learning curve
Below are the various assessments and reports. Choose the one you would like to understand the most.
Name | Price | Buy |
Business Adult - Assessment and Career Premiere Report | $50.00 | |
Business Adult - Assessment and Career Essential Reports (lower word reading level) | $50.00 | |
Business Adult - Assessment and Spanish Report | $50.00 | |
Business Adult - Assessment and Amazing Me Report | $50.00 | |
Business Adult - Assessment and My Core Genius Advantage Report | $50.00 | |
Business Adult - Assessment and Realizing My Potential Report | $50.00 | |
Business Adult - Assessment and Making Relationships Better Report | $50.00 | |
Business Adult - Assessment and 4 above reports $200 value, discounted for all four | $175.00 | |
Business Adult - Coach live 15 min session by phone or zoom | $60.00 |