Work, Friends, Family and Romantic Relationships
Communication Breakdown
Now We Know Why & How to Fix It
Understanding Miscommunications with Science of the Mind

The Cognofile Report provides each individual with an answer to the question: Who am I? and includes a summary of how they relate to other Cognofiles and their communication style. The magical “Core Genius Grid” identifies those Cognofiles that are different from yours. Let’s follow an example of Cognofiles that are different.
Jose is a family doctor and a Perceive Cognofile #9 on the Grid. Everyone loves how he spends time talking with them and making them feel good even with bad test results. Jose is knowledgeable and will talk for a long time. He can recite the medical books and the technology as well as rambling stories. Some patients like to hear results in tangible terms, however he likes to talk with several abstract ideas in the same sentence. Jose’s mind allows him to talk and be doing several different things at once while not noticing how his message is affecting his patient. If your mind is like Jose’s you can easily understand three different topics in the same sentence. But some patients might have a mind that moves step by step to understand and track what Jose is saying. Jose is an extrovert and he may talk over patients and not provide enough time to answer questions.
- Set and maintain time limits for office visits
- Double-check facts and logic in writing and review later
- Come prepared with a list of questions
Suggestions for the doctor:
- Find out if your patient likes to read and provide adequate information. 62% of the US population does not like to read (top two rows of Cognofiles), but may review a video; 38% like reading (bottom two rows of Cognofiles)
- Give your patient time to ask questions and repeat what they understood
Preventing Miscommunications with Science of the Mind
Four ways predictable preferences can affect communications:
- Decision Making. Jose, doctor above is a long-term thinker that likes to read. Many patients might live in the present, understand tangible things they can touch and feel, make decisions that are black and white, and do not read.
- Thinking Process. Some minds think in terms of steps, focusing on one thing at a time, time is important, and details are important. They are intense and not spontaneous like some other patients, and the doctor is the opposite taking the colorful route.
- Motivations. The doctor is very people-oriented. He uses words that show empathy and carefully observes the emotions of his client. He may upset some patients because he is perceived as not efficient and takes too much time to talk.
- Energy. Jose will talk first, then listen. This can be a disadvantage for patients that listen first and then talk that may not get answers to their questions.
Breakdown in communications does not just come from differences but rather from not knowing there are innate preferences and not trying to accommodate.